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Discussions about processor boards have here!
By sgodsell
I recently acquired your Sparkfun Qwiic Pocket development board 1" x 1". It's a massive board, not! Now I had to install the latest espressif IDF, because this board uses the C6 mini module. I was able to compile a hello world, and manage to blink the light on this board. Now I was wonder how can I read if the user pressed the boot button on this board? What is the pin number(s) that I can use to check that information? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
By sgodsell
I found it myself in your pinouts diagram. It is pin 9, and it's pulled high (1) when not pressed, and goes low (0) when pressed. The blue led is pin 23. Now onto the harder stuff, like the Bluetooth 5 that this board supports. :)
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