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By randomvibe
I recently purchased a Orin Nano Dev Kit from Sparkfun and want to run the latest Jetpack 6.0 DP on an SD card. I already downloaded Jetpack 6.0 with the SD Card Image method. The problem is that I cannot use the SD card because the Orin Nano board needs to be flashed with an updated QSPI bootloader. Nvidia says a dedicated ubuntu machine is needed to flash the Orin, which I don't have, just like many customers do not have either. Nvidia also says the flash can be done with Win11 WSL2 but requires a kernel update for WSL2, but they also say it's fraught with issues. Best approach is a separate dedicated ubuntu machine.

Does Sparkfun have a service for flashing the Orin Nano Dev Kit before shipping? I'd happily pay an extra $50 to $100 for this service. That's cheaper than buying a separate ubuntu machine. Also will save lots of wasted time dealing with the headaches of linux, WSL2, compatibility issues, etc. The Nvidia forum is filled with issues related to this boot problem. I think will turn away many potential Orin Nano customers if this bootloader problem is not addressed.
We don't, we just resale the items for Nvidia....perhaps suggest the SD card idea to Nvidia? It would be nice if they made a web app to DL/flash SD images directly from their site :-/

I had a lot of issues with my own Nvidia SoC boards, so I just installed a dual-boot on my hard drive to accomplish having an ubuntu machine (you can also boot/run an ubuntu image entirely from a USB drive if that's an option) - didn't take much HD space and worked out well for me
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