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Discussions about carrier boards have here!
I got one of these boards in my "Dumpster Dive" box and it looks interesting, even if I don't use the Mikrobus connector.

From what I can tell, it's very similar to the Thing Plus - RP2040 board and I saw a comment on the product page that CircuitPython works on it but :

The CS pin on the mikrobus socket is not exposed in the RP2040 Thing Plus. SPI click boards are not usable in CircuitPython using the RP2040 Thing Plus firmware. A new variant is required.
How hard would this be to resolve? And aside from this, would the board (basically ignoring the Mikrobus slot) work equivalent to a Thing Plus - RP2040 board (i.e. the battery and qwik connector work equivalently?)


Yes, other than the Mikrobus slot they are nearly identical ... e-overview

The CS pin *is* still available on the mikrobus (3rd pin left wide), though like that comment mentions it is not broken-out as a *if using SPI you'd need to have a workaround*

But qwiic, Lipo, serial, etc interfaces all work exactly the same
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