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Discussions about carrier boards have here!
I can for the live of me not get serial communication established between the MicroMod carrier board and the LTE GNSS Breakout board.

I would assume that following should work:
#define saraSerial Serial
// Initialize the SARA
if (mySARA.begin(saraSerial, 9600) )
Serial.println(F("SARA-R5 connected!"));
Serial.println(F("Unable to communicate with the SARA."));
Serial.println(F("Manually power-on (hold the SARA On button for 3 seconds) on and try again."));
while (1) ; // Loop forever on fail

However no matter what I will get:
SARA-R5 Example
init: Begin module init.
sendCommandWithResponse: Command: E0
init: Module failed echo test.
init: Begin module init.
init: Attempting autobaud connection to module.
sendCommandWithResponse: Command: +IPR=9600
sendCommandWithResponse: Command:
sendCommandWithResponse: Command: +IPR=9600
sendCommandWithResponse: Command:
sendCommandWithResponse: Command: +IPR=9600
sendCommandWithResponse: Command:
sendCommandWithResponse: Command: +IPR=9600
sendCommandWithResponse: Command:
sendCommandWithResponse: Command: +IPR=9600
sendCommandWithResponse: Command:
sendCommandWithResponse: Command: +IPR=9600
sendCommandWithResponse: Command:
init: Begin module init.
init: Power cycling module.

I'm starting to wonder if the RX1/TX1 on the the MicroMod Data Logging Carrier Board are not connected?
I'd sooner suspect the chosen UART pins are doing something else/mucking up the works; do you happen to have a different MicroMod processor to test with?

Here are some notes regarding use of specific pin functions ... e-overview - I'd just make sure your code is using either the primary or secondary and that the pin #s in code match up

I' m facing on the same situation (error) with "SparkFun MicroMod - Single Board" + "SparkFun MicroMod ESP32 Processor" + "SparkFun LTE GNSS Function Board - SARA-R5".

I tried to run some sample codes from "SparkFun_u-blox_SARA-R5_Arduino_Library", which are the official one.

Even if the serial interface is defined correctly like "#define saraSerial Serial1", unfortunately the serial connection between ESP32 processor and the Function board can not be established well.

I'd like to know how to fix it.
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