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Tips, tricks, & best best practices using Artemis with your board designs.
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By alapsansky
Hello everyone,

I am working on creating a small and light system to record high quality video while and IMU data simultaneously. So far, I have been trying to use a Raspberry Pi Zero to record both data streams, but I recently came across the Openlog Artemis and thought I would give it a shot.

Assuming that there is no way to connect a camera directly to this little board, I was wondering whether I could use the Openlog Artemis to supply power to a Raspberry Pi Zero via the QWIIC Connector port of another port (3.3V pin maybe?) Then, the Pi could capture video while the Artemis gathered IMU data.

One of the annoyances of running a Raspberry Pi Zero on a LiPo battery is the need to include a voltage regulator (like Adafruit's Powerboost) to cut off the current when the battery dips. If I could use the OpenLog Artemis to supply at least 3.3V directly to the Pi (thus, taking advantage of the Artemis' power regulator), I could eliminate one component from my system.

Is this idea viable? Can the 3.3V pin by set to an output rather than an input and/or could I use the QWIIC port for power without messing up the IMU log? As an added bonus, it would be great if I could somehow sync these two data streams. I am still contemplating how that might work as I read the datasheets on this system.

Thank you for any advice!
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