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Hi, from ble_freertos_dats/ble_freertos_datc apps implemented in my artemis_thing_plus boards from AMbiqSuite SDK and with WDXC_ENABLED/WDXS_ENABLED options in order to perform data streaming and try to measure the achievable data rates between a central and a peripheral device (with MTU=247 and 1M PHY), the max throuhtput i obtained is less than 100kbps in any of the configuration parameters i tried.
It seems that the number of buffers in the controller is limited to 4, so the max number of ble packets that can be transmited from any devide per connecion event is limited to that. But, ovbioulsly, for reduced connection interval values, like i.e. 20ms, just one max size packet is transferred from the peripheral to the central devide per connection event.
It is possible to change the number of buffers in the controller?
Can anyone at sparkfun support team, or any other user confirm this behavioral?. I would really appreciate any help or any comment.
Best regards
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